
For spirit-centered professionals who desire to rewrite
their success story

Divine Bio Love Offering

with my divine bio love offering

You Receive:

Who You Are - You Are The Unique    Expression of a Greater Presence
Why You Are Here - Your Purpose      Matters
Where You Are Going - Your Mission  is Destined to Make Earth Better
How You're Getting There - Your          Divine Plan is Achieved in Action
What Gift You're Called to Serve -      Your Offering is Sacred

  A bio profile story that reflects the Truth of your Divinely-Intended Purpose:
              Who You Are - You Are The  Unique Expression of a Greater Presence
              Why You Are Here - Your Purpose Matters
              Where You Are Going - Your Mission is Destined to Make Earth Better
              How You're Getting There - Your Divine Plan is Achieved in Action
              What Gift You're Called to Serve - Your Offering is Sacred

The Story of YOU to Share With The World

A biography that reflects the Truth of your Divinely-Intended Purpose:

If you're like me and nearly 600 million other LinkedIn users, you probably:

    1. Launched your account ready to impress the masses with a portrait of your best self and your
        contributions to the world. 

    2. Started to impart a summary of your history, your victories, and your personality while trying to 
         multitask your job, your kids, and the latest episode of Breaking Bad. 

    3. Wrote your way to the present day only to reread your story and feel defeated.

Your bio failed to captivate the Real You, that genius within that expresses as your best, your highest, your Divine Self, the YOU you want the world to see. And you know the backstory, the agonies and ecstasies in between the lines of J.O.B. X, Y, and Z that would make your story more appealing. 

Then you might have thought..."It'll have to do." or "Good enough." 

So, you pressed "Submit," hoping your reader, that VIP recruiter or your dream client would glean from your bio what you know to be true:

You're an Infinite, Eternal Spirit miraculously stuffed into a tiny, mortal vehicle - your body - playing out the human drama here on Earth at this most exciting time in order to sparkle as your unique facet of the Diamond-Shining Mind of the Divine. 

Try saying that to a hiring manager.  

If this sounds like you, your bio, whether on LinkedIn, in the ethers, or otherwise, deserves my Love Offering, a rewrite of your success story so you can boldly declare your script of "WHO I AM" penned within the Book of Life.

Why you need a Divine Bio 

I sent Myself to Myself
to tell
Myself about Myself


I Am Ready
to Receive my Divine Bio!

Create prosperous connections that convert
dream clients, customers, and hiring managers into mentors, friends, repeat buyers, and business partners by sharing the true story of YOU

Rewrite My Success Story!

The Hero's/Heroine's Journey


The Graceful Process

We talk mountaintops during a free consultation.

Reach out and connect with me.

I'll respond in less than 48 hours.

You receive results with conscious copy that sells your sacred service. 

You say "YES" to one or more Offerings.

I send invoice (payable in advance) and add you to my project schedule. 







Copywriting & Marketing
for your Spirit-Centered Business

Copywriting & Marketing
for your Spirit-Centered Business